You may consider Recaro Performance Rally and Recaro Roadster if you are looking for convertible car seat for your child. Both of Recaro Performance Rally and Recaro Roadster are two convertible car seats introduced by Recaro, so you can find there are similarities between them. Which of them is the one that you should choose? To answer that question, We should know the differences between those two convertible car seats. In this article We will talk about the differences of Recaro Performance Rally and Recaro Roadster.
Recaro Performance Rally

Recaro Performance Rally
Recaro Performance Rally comes as 2-in-1 convertible car seat. It’s recommended to be used as rear-facing car seat for 5-40 lbs infant then converted into forward-facing harness car seat for 20-65 lbs toddler. Recaro Performance Rally comes with integrated safety features inspired by racing standard. We can find high impact energy absorbing shell that completed with full body side impact protection combined with integrated anti rebound protection. Additionally, We can also find PUR foam headrest as well as Hero harness and safety stripe system. Recaro Performance Rally is also completed with comfort features such as cloud comfort memory foam, temperature balancing fabrics and dual air flow comfort system with CoolMesh and Built-In Shell Vents. We can also find removable cushion insert in Recaro Performance Rally. Recaro Performance Rally is also easily installed with Built-in Latch system. It’s also completed with QuickFlip recline foot to ensure the car seat is installed on the proper position. The child can also access their favorite drinks with dual integrated cup holders on both side of the armrest.
Recaro Roadster

Recaro Roadster
Recaro Roadster is also 2-in-1 convertible car seat that can be used in 2 different modes, rear-facing and forward-facing with harness. The rear-facing mode can be used for 5-40 lbs infant, while the forward-facing mode can be used for 20-65 pounds toddler. Recaro Roadster comes with high impact energy absorbing structure that designed to protect the child during high impact crashes and reduces the forces transferred to the child. Additionally, We can also find racing inspired side impact protection with full body strong structure. Recaro Roadster is also completed with Hero Technology that prevent harness twisting while also make the child more comfortable. To match your child’s growth, Recaro Roadster is completed with EasyAdjust no re-thread 5-point harness and headrest. It’s also easy to install Recaro Roadster since It comes with built-in latch system that combined with TrueLock belt lock-off that help you to install the car seat without any hassle in its forward-facing mode. You can also find removable cup holder in Recaro Roadster to allow the child to get their favorite drink easier.
Table of Comparison between Recaro Performance Rally and Recaro Roadster
It’s a good idea to take a look at the specs and features of Recaro Perfomance Rally and Recaro Roadster before We can talk about their differences. The specs and features of those two convertible car seats can be found on the table below.
Recaro Perfomance Rally |
Recaro Roadster | |
Brand | Recaro | Recaro |
Car Seat Type | Convertible Car Seat | Convertible Car Seat |
Rear-Facing Weight Limit | 5-40 lbs | 5-40 lbs |
Forward-Facing Weight Limit | 20-65 lbs | 20-65 lbs |
High Impact Energy Absorbing Seat | YES | YES |
Racing Inspired Side Impact Protection | YES | YES |
Anti-Rebound Protection | YES | NO |
Twist-resistant HERO technology | YES | YES |
Cloud Comfort Memory Foam | YES | YES |
Temperature Balancing Fabrics | YES | YES |
Dual Air Flow Comfort System | YES | YES |
Removable cushion insert | YES | YES |
QuickFlip recline foot | YES | NO |
EasyAdjust no re-thread 5-point harness | YES | YES |
Built-in LATCH system | YES | YES |
Cup Holder | Dual Integrated | Single Removable |
Price | Higher | Lower |
What is the Key Difference Between Them?
From the table above, We can find few differences in the specs and features of Recaro Performance Rally and Recaro Roadster. We can find QuickFlip Recline Foot in Recaro Performance Rally, while We can’t find that in Recaro Roadster. We can also find Integrated Anti-Rebound Protection that installed in Recaro Performance Rally. With additional QuickFlip Recline Foot and integrated anti-rebound protection, Your child will be more comfortable as well as additionally protected with Recaro Performance Rally.
In the price side, Recaro Performance Rally is offered with the higher price than Recaro Roadster as It comes with additional quickFlip recline foot and integrated anti-rebound protection. How much is their price difference? As price of car seats change often, it’s recommended that you check the actual price of Recaro Performance Rally and Recaro Roadster to find their latest price difference.
Which one Should You Choose?
There are few differences between Recaro Performance Rally and Recaro Roadster as We can find from our discussion above. We can easily conclude that Recaro Performance Rally is the higher model than Recaro Roadster as It comes with quickflip recline foot to make your child more comfortable while ensure that the car seat is in the proper position and integrated anti-rebound protection to give additional protection for your child during the crash. If you don’t mind to spend more for quickflip and anti-rebound protection then you should consider Recaro Performance Rally as your choice.
In the other hand, you can find Recaro Roadster is the better option if your budget is more limited. Although It doesn’t come with quickflip recline foot, but It’s already completed with rear-facing recline. It’s also not completed with anti-rebound protection, but It’s already well protected with high impact energy absorbing structure and racing-inspired side impact protection. So It’s the choice that you should consider if you have less budget for your next Recaro convertible car seat or simply think that the additional price is not worth it for additional quickflip recline foot and anti-rebound protection.